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What is Bi-Facial Technology?

Sunhub Forum Forums DIY Solar Panels Discussions What is Bi-Facial Technology?

What is Bi-Facial Technology?

  • Amjad Kazmi

    Do the Bi-Facial pnaels produce the half power from each side? I wonder how this technology works. Like a Bi-Facial 400w panel only having 200w on each side thus leaving me with a 200w panel once I install it parallel to a roof.

    Asad Marri

    Bi-facial solar panels are designed to capture sunlight on both the front and rear sides, allowing them to generate electricity from sunlight that reflects off surrounding surfaces. However, this doesn’t mean that each side produces half the power.

    Bi-facial panels are rated for the power from the front only with any power from the back being a bonus. So a 400w bi-facial is equivalent to a 400w standard panel, excluding any extra power from the back.

    Bi-facial panels are usually used on ground mount or tilted racking systems.



    Bi-facial solar panels do not produce exactly half the power from each side. The front side typically produces the majority of the power, similar to traditional panels. The rear side captures reflected and diffused sunlight from surfaces such as the ground, which enhances the overall energy generation. A 400W bi-facial panel can produce more than 400W in optimal conditions, depending on how much sunlight hits the rear side. The idea that a 400W bi-facial panel only produces 200W from each side is a misconception. When installed parallel to a roof, a solar power system with bi-facial panels will still generate more energy than conventional panels, but the actual rear-side contribution depends on factors like the reflectivity of the surface beneath the panels and the installation angle.

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