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Cable hangers that are still affordable but are now certified for larger cables

Sunhub Forum Forums Product Reviews Cable hangers that are still affordable but are now certified for larger cables

Cable hangers that are still affordable but are now certified for larger cables

  • Asad Marri

    For utility-scale solar projects, Affordable Wire Management (AWM) has revealed major performance enhancements to its next-generation Arden Messenger Cable Hangers. The Arden Cable Hangers, which are now rated for 20 lbs on each branch and are designed to speed up the deployment of solar energy, take advantage of unique cable geometry to offer considerable ampacity benefits. In addition to other improvements that lower construction costs for EPCs and developers, the solution’s novel cable geometry approach significantly raises the maximum amount of power that can be delivered via the cables securely.


    All of the AWM system’s components, including the hangers, are built of sturdy alloys and include no polymeric material. The items can handle high ice and snow loads, temperatures between -40°C and +150°C, and the most corrosive environments.

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