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U.S. Solar Manufacturing Sees Record Growth

Sunhub Forum Forums Industry News U.S. Solar Manufacturing Sees Record Growth

U.S. Solar Manufacturing Sees Record Growth

  • Asad Marri

    The U.S. solar industry added a record 9.3 GW of new module manufacturing capacity in Q3, bringing total capacity close to 40 GW. U.S. factories can now nearly meet the country’s solar demand. Solar cell manufacturing also resumed in Q3, marking the first time since 2019.

    In Q3, the U.S. installed 8.6 GW of new solar capacity, a 21% year-over-year increase. Texas led with 2.4 GW, while Florida ranked second. The utility-scale segment saw the most growth, with significant contributions from the commercial and community markets.

    By 2029, U.S. solar is expected to power over 71 million homes, with annual installations projected to reach at least 43 GW for the remainder of the decade.

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