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What is TOPCon Technology Solar Cell?

Sunhub Forum Forums Data Sheets What is TOPCon Technology Solar Cell?

What is TOPCon Technology Solar Cell?

  • Asad Marri

    I saw on the datasheet of few modules and cell type was TOPCon. Can someone put a highlight on it?




    TOPCon Technology, or Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact, was first introduced in the industry in 2013 by a group of German researchers (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems). It is a type of solar panel technology that aims to improve the efficiency of solar cells. TopCon cells are solar cells based on the principle of selective charge carriers. Its name comes from its structure: a layer of doped polycrystalline silicon is grown on an n-type silicon substrate, covered with a layer of silicon dioxide, and then embedded in a silicon nitride window.

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