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Solar PV String Size

Sunhub Forum Forums Solar Tools Section Solar PV String Size

Solar PV String Size

  • Asad Marri

    Need to figure out the string length. System details are the following:

    10kW System Size:
    Modules: 25 x Silfab 400W
    Inverter: 1 x SE 7600H

    Can I do 13 modules in a string?


    To figure out the string length for your system, it’s essential to check the voltage limits of both the inverter and the solar panels. You have a 10kW system with 25 Silfab 400W modules and an SE 7600H inverter.

    Each Silfab 400W panel has a Voc (open circuit voltage) of approximately 49V and a Vmp (maximum power voltage) of around 40V. For a string of 13 modules, the Voc would be around 637V (49V x 13). The SE 7600H inverter has a maximum input voltage of 480V and a recommended maximum DC voltage of 400V. This means that a string of 13 panels exceeds the inverter’s voltage limits, particularly in cold conditions when the voltage can rise.

    A better approach would be to consult with solar companies or system designers to ensure that the string size fits within the inverter’s safe operating range. In your case, it’s likely that strings of 10 or 11 panels would better match the inverter’s requirements. Calculating string length accurately helps prevent system inefficiency or potential damage.

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