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Yotta Energy’s Panel-Level Battery Replaces Ballast Block on Rooftops

Sunhub Forum / Forums / General Discussion / Yotta Energy’s Panel-Level Battery Replaces Ballast Block on Rooftops


Yotta Energy’s Panel-Level Battery Replaces Ballast Block on Rooftops

  • Asad Marri

    Yotta Energy will unveil its Yotta Block at Intersolar North America next week. This innovative product replaces the standard ballast block behind solar modules, removing the need for dedicated battery space. CEO Jordan Harris calls it a “game-changer” for commercial solar storage, as it frees up rooftop space while maintaining power and efficiency.

    The Yotta Block is modular, scalable in 1-kWh increments, and compatible with high-capacity solar panels. It simplifies installation and reduces permitting complexity, addressing space and energy storage challenges in the commercial and industrial sector.

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